As computers are used more and more widely in every social field, Computer Crime takes on ascend trend. 随着计算机越来越广泛的渗透到社会的各个领域,计算机犯罪呈现上升趋势。
The Present Situation of Computer Crime in China and Its Technical Defense; The Application of VRML and JAVA in Security and Protection Teaching 我国计算机犯罪现状分析与技术防范VRML与JAVA在《安全技术防范》教学中的应用
Although the actual extent of computer crime is difficult to measure, most experts agree that it is one of the fastest growing areas of illegal activity. 尽管电脑犯罪的范围很难测定,但是大多数专家认为它是非法活动增加最快的领域之一。
Verizon has a unit, Verizon Business, has an investigative-response team that studies computer crime and provides customers of their mobile phones and network with warnings and advice. Verizon有个叫做VerizonBusiness的部门,该部门拥有一个响应调研小组,专门研究计算机犯罪并向其移动电话与网络用户发出警告、提出建议。
And secondly, computer crime involving funds transfer. 其次还存在有关资金转移的电脑犯罪。
TOn Characterization Construction of Computer Crime Investigation Speciality after Enrollment Reform of Police Colleges and Universities 谈招录体改后计算机犯罪侦查专业特色化建设
The Council has been working since that time to help countries establish effective computer crime laws. 从那以后,欧盟委员会一直致力于帮助各国制定行之有效的反计算机犯罪法律。
It has brought about positive influence but also inevitably some bad effects such as news spread unchecked, trash polluted, network addictation, hacker action even computer crime. 它在给青少年带来积极影响的同时,也不可避免会造成一些负面效应如信息泛滥,垃圾污染,游戏网恋,网络上瘾,黑客行为,乃至网络犯罪。
Examines issues such as liability, ownership of information, and computer crime are examined. 审查问题例如责任,信息归属,并且计算机犯罪被审查。
Computer crime first made the headlines in 1983. 计算机犯罪在1983年首次成为头条新闻。
An application overview of Google Desktop as a tool of computer crime evidence Google桌面搜索作为取证工具的应用概述
Surapak, who also faces related charges under the Computer Crime Act, is one of the first people arrested for insulting the monarchy since a new government took power last month. Surapak还将面临依据计算机犯罪法的相关指控。他也是自上月新政府组建以来因侮辱王室而被捕的第一人。
Computer crime has been the question concerned commonly by society. 计算机犯罪是一个全社会普遍关注的问题。
According to our Criminal Law, there are two charges included in computer crime, namely charge of illegally invading the computer information system and charge of destroying computer information system. 根据我国刑法规定,计算机犯罪包含两个罪名,即非法侵入计算机信息系统罪和破坏计算机信息系统罪。
Scout and Control on Computer Crime 计算机犯罪的侦察和控制
Computer crime is a new type of crime with great harm in modern society. 计算机犯罪是现代社会一种危害极大的新型犯罪。
Computer crime forensics is mainly on the testimony gain and analysis. 计算机犯罪取证主要围绕证据的获取和证据的分析。
The author thinks that creation of computer crime impacts the traditional principle of jurisdiction. 计算机犯罪的管辖原则问题也是讨论较多的问题。笔者认为计算机犯罪的确给传统的刑事管辖原则带来了冲击。
The first part is about the concept of computer crime and its components. 第一部分关于计算机犯罪概念及其构成要件。
Chapter II: study on the legislation and the constitutive elements of computer crime in China. 第二部分为我国计算机犯罪的立法及构成要件研究。
But the lawmaking about computer crime is lack of systematization and specialization. 但是,计算机犯罪立法缺乏系统性和专业性,影响了计算机犯罪理论研究的进一步开展。
The third part talks about the innovation of computer crime theories and the perfection of legislation. 第三部分关于我国计算机犯罪理论创新及立法完善思考。
At the same time, Computer crime, network crime and e-commerce disputes have appeared. 同时计算机犯罪、网络犯罪、电子商务纠纷层出不穷,需要运用电子证据解决纠纷。
The cyber crime and computer crime is related to but not entirely a concept of coincidence. 网络犯罪与计算机犯罪是一个相关但并不完全重合的概念,区分网络犯罪与计算机犯罪的异同是分析网络犯罪的基础。
Computer and network technology continues to evolve at the same time, the use of computer crime and the means of computers and the Internet also continue to increase and improve its hazards and influence is growing. 计算机和网络技术不断发展的同时,利用或以计算机和互联网为目标的计算机犯罪行为和手段也在不断的增多和提高,其危害和影响越来越大。
Computer crime is an entity or individual through the manipulation of computers and computer systems can exchange data and electronic equipment, computer information systems or hardware system, the object of crime, with serious social harm shall be subject to criminal punishment. 计算机犯罪是指单位或个人通过操控计算机以及能和计算机系统进行数据交换的电子设备,以计算机信息系统或硬件系统为犯罪对象,具有严重社会危害性依法应受刑罚处罚的行为。
Computer Forensics is the application of computer technology to access, investigate and analyze the technology of computer crime. 计算机取证是在应用计算机技术来获取、调查和分析计算机犯罪的技术。
The essay makes an overall investigation about some questions of computer crime concerned. 本文较全面系统地探讨了计算机犯罪的有关问题。
Therefore the social and legal power must be exerted to deal with the computer crime. 因此需要充分发挥社会和法律的强大威力来对付计算机犯罪活动。
But there is lack of the systematic and specialty on computer crime legislation, that impact further theoretical studying in the areas of computer-related crime. 我国刑法对计算机犯罪有所规定,这为计算机犯罪的理论研究提供了一些依据,但是计算机犯罪立法缺乏系统性和专业性,影响了计算机犯罪理论研究的进一步丌展。